A team of ducks

The team

Making many souls work together as one team is not an easy task. Especially if the rich and powerful, the corporations, have taken over the monopoly of human coöperation in all its forms.

Those of us who think or believe that there’s but one God, also tend to think we have but one soul. We have one mother and one father. We have one life and die only once. So the one is unique. But our mother is not just a mother. And our life doesn’t differ very much from the life of another. So do we have just one soul in relation to ourselves or do we have just one self in relation to our souls?

Baby of the team

Babi Greenchild

The strength and potential of a young germinating plant is enormous. But it still has to grow around some obstacles.

A team of firefighters.

Tina-Ger Burns

From under the shades of the older trees, the young sapling fights to reach the big ball of fire. If it grows to fast, it might not blossom.

Stabilizing the team

Carita Middleton

Bearing fruit requires strong roots and a balanced growth. With stability in motion we can go with the flow.

In 1996 during a semester at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Geesje teamed up up with sculptor Natasja Bennink. They later worked together on a exposition called Women Depicted.

In 2007 the team together with beloved mecenas and mentor, Frieda van der Hoop, participated in the Florence Biennale.

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